Sunday, 4 July 2021

The weather was constantly changing today, throughout was a southerly wind, but rain showers fell every half hour or so which meant that plans to ring Herring Gulls chicks were halted after just one darvic was attached.

The plantation and vegetated areas were quiet, although a Goldcrest was heard singing in the obs garden and Sedge Warblers could be heard in the Withies. The main movement came with the waders, ten Curlews were recorded which is the highest count of the month so far and three Redshanks were seen on the Narrows which is about expected for the time of year. The Ringed Plover has at least one chick so we'll keep an eye out and see how it fairs amongst the gulls and corvids. 

Due to rain, ringing data entry was the obvious activity for the afternoon, catching up with retrapped Manx Shearwater from the last couple of weeks, as well as entering the Storm Petrel retraps and controls from the other night.

Birds today: three Gannets, ten Curlews, three Redshanks, three Black-headed Gulls, two Siskins and four Lesser Redpolls.

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