Friday, 17 September 2021

After what seems like months of calm weather, the wind was due to increase from the So the West overnight and the promise of some sea passage had telescopes pointing seaward at dawn.

Steve was joined by guests at the Obs to look out first thing, whilst Stuart watched from the South End. Later Steve went to the South End and watched for anther few hours and was well rewarded.

Sea passage totals for the day (all sites)

Fulmar 2, Manx Shearwater 10, Sooty Shearwater 1 (S.end), Gannet 155, Common Scoter 21, Bar-tailed Godwit 4, Pomarine Skua 3, Arctic Skua 19, Great Skua 9, Mediterranean Gull 2, Black-headed Gull 141, Common Gull 1, Kittiwake 863, Black Tern 1(S.end), Razorbill 846.


On land passerines were in short supply a Whinchat was the best bird inland, whilst two Whitethroats, five Chiffchaffs and two Willow Warblers were the only warblers seen.

A Barn Owl feather was found in the Green lane during the afternoon by Trixie.

Barn Owl feather

More seal Pups are being born every day, we are now up to 15.

Grey Seals

Seal Pup

Suckling Seal

This Herring Gull was originally ringed at the North End on 20th June 2020 and has not been seen since.

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