Wednesday, 15 September 2021

Yet another day with some nice birds and back to warm weather.

17 Gannets were seen off the West Coast, whilst 79 Shags were seen (71 at high tide on Carreg yr Honwy). Sparrowhawk, Kestrel and Peregrine populated the raptor section of log, whilst waders saw two new species for the year at the high tide roost. the roost comprised 21 Oystercatchers, one Grey Plover, three Sanderling, 66 Purple sandpipers, four Dunlin, and then a Juvenile Little Stint and a Juvenile Curlew Sandpiper (with new for the year). A Male Ruff was also in the roost along with 32 Curlew and seven Redshanks and 89 Turnstones.

mixed waders coming into roost
Ruff arriving at the roost

Turnstones at roost
Oystercatcher and Ruff

There were also a good number of Gulls along the west coast, including five Mediterranean Gulls, 145 Black-headed and four Common Gulls. A smart juvenile Yellow-;egged Gull was amongst the 59 Herring Gulls on the Narrows. A flock of 600 Kittiwakes were off the South and West Coasts.

Mediterranean Gull
Mediterranean Gull
Squabling Kittiwakes

Onto landbirds; 12 Collared Doves were at Ty Pellaf again. A Skylark was with pipits on the Narrows. Two sand martins were seen, along with 25 Swallows and nine House Martins. One Tree Pipit was seen over the Narrows and 210 Meadow Pipits were counted.

Meadow Pipit
Meadow Pipit

A flava Wagtail flew over the South End, with seven Grey Wagtails over Pen Cristin and Ty Pellaf and six White Wags on the beach. A Whinchat was amongst the 21 Stonechats counted and Four Wheatears were seen as this species' numbers now begin to dwindle.

White Wagtail

Again few warblers were seen, with two Whitethroats and a Blackcap the only warblers that were not Chiffchaffs, of which 13 were counted.

The only finches of note were two siskin at Plas Withy.

A number of migrant moths were seen during the day, including 28 Silver Ys and five Rush Veneers. A number of seals have pups now, and one at Ogof Hir showed Steve just what she thought of him taking pictures of her pup!!!

How Rude!!!!

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