Tuesday 18 April 2023

A calm and sunny day with winds from the east made for an enjoyable day on Bardsey. Ringing at Cristin for a few hours early morning produced 43 Blackcaps, two Chiffchaffs, six Willow Warblers and a Grasshopper Warbler. Unfortunately, ringing had to end at 9 am as Obs and Trust staff participated in a First Aid course.  

Grasshopper Warbler © Ed Betteridge

A big arrival of Wheatears saw a minimum of 134 across the Island. A mixed flock of Corvids included a Hooded Crows and two Jackdaws. Two Barnacle Geese went north, a male Redstart was around Ty Pellaf, a Red-throated Diver was off the West Coast, a Merlin was around the Wetlands along with a Tree Pipit, a Kestrel went along the Mountain were a Ring Ouzel was also present, a Bar-tailed Godwit was on Solfach with a Common Sandpiper on Henllywn and two Whitethroats and a Ring Ouzel were in the South End Gorse.

Ring Ouzel © Ollie King 

The bird of the day was an Alpine Swift seen feeding over Ty Pellaf in the early evening. The bird seemed to have a 'dirty' belly which meant it didn't have the clean white belly and chest. However, this meant we could ID it as the same bird seen recently over Conwy. The Swift ranged widely around the Wetlands, West Coast and Lowland however, at times showed very well only a few metres above peoples heads.

Alpine Swift © Ed Betteridge

Alpine Swift © Ed Betteridge

Other birds of note today included a Jack Snipe, a Collared Dove, eight Sand Martins, 30 Swallows, four House Martins, 11 White Wagtails, two Fieldfares, six Grasshopper Warblers, three Sedge Warblers, 134 Blackcaps, 14 Chiffchaffs, 84 Willow Warblers, nine Goldcrests, nine Rook, two Chaffinches, 31 Goldfinches, a Lesser Redpoll, a Siskin and 251 Linnets.

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