Friday 28 April 2023

An overcast day with calm westerly winds made for good ringing conditions. In total, 71 birds were caught at Cristin, Nant or The Withies. Highlights included a Grasshopper Warbler, three Sedge Warblers, 35 Willow Warblers, two Chiffchaffs, 26 Blackcaps and a Goldfinch ringed in France! A late Fieldfare was in Cristin Withy, 

Grasshopper Warbler  © Ed Betteridge

Other birds of note today included 24 Whimbrels, two Curlews, two Dunlins, two Common Sandpipers, a Collared Dove, six Sand Martins, 27 Swallows, two House Martins, three Sedge Warblers, eight Whitethroats, six Rooks, a Chaffinch, 38 Goldfinches and three Lesser Redpolls

Whimbrel © Ed Betteridge

Meadow Pipit  © Ed Betteridge

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