Thursday 25 May 2023

Last night the assistant wardens went out Manx Shearwater ringing and ended up ringing 117 new birds, and re-trapping 100 on the West Coast.

Manx Shearwater © Ollie King

It was a mixed day migration-wise as there were few birds about, however Spotted Flycatcher numbers increased to 27, and there were two Sanderlings, two Dunlins, a Whimbrel, a Feral Pigeon, three Collared Doves, a Sand Martin, 12 Swallows, 12 House Martins, a Whitethroat, a Blackcap, a Chiffchaff, and a Lesser Redpoll

One of the four Meadow Pipit pullus that were ringed today © Ollie King

Cetacean-wise, there were two Common Dolphins were sighted from Pen Cristin in the Sound. 

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