Tuesday 6 June 2023

Winds from the East swung round to the north-west in the afternoon, producing a small but mixed arrival of birds to the Island. The avian highlights of the day were two Ringed Plovers, a Golden Plover on the South End, three Dunlins, three Whimbrels, three Curlews, two Sandwich Terns, a Racing Pigeon, a Cuckoo, seven Chiffchaffs, six Willow Warblers, five Spotted Flycatchers, two female Pied Flycatchers at Nant, five Goldfinches and a Lesser Redpoll

Pied Flycatcher © Ed Betteridge

The Lepidoptera highlight of the day was a Thrift Clearwing that was spotted near the South End hide. The moth trap is also being regularly ran in Cristin garden, and last night we had a decent haul of 83 moths of 38 species. 

Thrift Clearwing at the South End © Ollie King

Gold Spot © Ollie King

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