Tuesday 27 June 2023

With wet weather this morning, last night was spent in the North West Fields ringing Manx Shearwaters with 108 ringed and 40 retraps including two birds ringed in both 2001 and 2003.

Manx Shearwater  © Ed Betteridge

Elsewhere, the Shelducks still have eight ducklings in Solfach and the Mallard brood at Nant is still going strong with eight almost fully grown chicks. Three Curlews were still around the Narrows and a Starling was at Ty Pellaf.

Freshly hatched Oystercatcher chick © Ed Betteridge

The moth trap has continued to deliver with a few Island scarcities of Small Blood Vein (forth Island record), Purple Clay (first for two years) and the first Island record of Latticed Heath.

Swallowtail  © Ed Betteridge

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