Thursday 17 August 2023

Today the students were split up into three groups for the annual student bird race. In the end the winning team managed a very respectable 55 species some way ahead of the other teams on 49 and 48.  A total of 61 species were recorded by the teams, this included the first Greenshank of the year along the West Coast, a Balearic Shearwater off the South End, an Arctic Tern, a Tree Pipit, a Lesser Whitethroat, a Swift and three Spotted Flycatchers.

Lesser Whitethroat © Ed Betteridge

An evening seawatch off the North End produced two Common Scoters, a Common Gull, 34 Sandwich Terns and an Arctic Skua. However, the highlight was a over 20 close Risso's Dolphins!

Risso's Dolphins off the North End © Steve Stansfield

The day ended with the famous annual quiz! © Steve Stansfield

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