Tuesday 8 August 2023

 A calm start to the day meant the nets were opened first thing however, this produced less than expected with a single Willow Warbler and Stonechat the highlights. The day then took a rather unexpected turn as news of a Bridled Tern still showing well just outside Pwllheli resulted in a twitch for staff and Observatory guests. A group of four off us headed off on the first boat of the day and travelled to Hafan-y-Mor in the hope of seeing this rather special birds. After a nervous wait of nearly three hours watching hundreds of Common, Arctic and Sandwich Terns, 15+ Mediterranean Gulls and up to three close Arctic Skuas; the Bridled Tern flew in and showed extremely well on the beach below us!

Bridled Tern © Ed Betteridge

Despite the lack of coverage for part of the day a few migrants were still logged. A Reed Warbler was at Cristin, the first Great Skua of the year went south along with an Arctic Skua and a Common Scoter, two Sandwich Terns were in the Sound, a Kestrel and Sparrowhawk hunted the Mountain and a Whimbrel was on the Narrows.

The day ended by catching Storm Petrels at the North End. This was extremely successful with 58 caught including a bird ringed on Jersey!

Storm Petrel getting weighed © Ed Betteridge

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