Wednesday 2 August 2023

Today was much quieter on the sea, with only about 500 Manxies seen all day! Five Common Scoter passed the island and 40 Gannets were counted. A Sandwich Tern headed south as did a lone Arctic Skua. A pod of 20 Common Dolphins and a pod of four Risso's Dolphins were off the west side of the island.

On land it was very quiet again, the Common Whitethroat was still above the Obs, and a Blackcap was in the garden. Three Willow Warblers were seen. 

A Comma was seen in the garden and was the non-avian highlight of the day.

Ed returned from his summer break as full of beans as ever and raring to go for what we hope is going to be a busy autumn for birds.

Connor and Andrew pumped 1000 litres of burning oil into the tanks at the Obs in the morning.

In the evening Emma, Connor and I were invited to Ty Pellaf for a meal to celebrate Emma's Birthday. Much fun was had with the gang. Diolch Meriel and Gareth and Sian.

Meadowsweet at Ty Pellaf

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