Friday 4 August 2023

Yet again the day started with a disappointing seawatch with four Sandwich Terns south the only birds on note; with two Common Scoters south during the afternoon. A small arrival of Willow Warblers was noted around Cristin with at least 12 of which ten were ringed. A further 12 across the Island brought the total to 24; the highest day total this autumn. The Kestrel was still around the Mountain with five Sand Martins and four House Martins south. Waders included 15 Curlews and six Whimbrels.

The afternoon was spent monitoring the late breeding seabirds; this included ringing two Fulmar chicks and a Storm Petrel chick. Alongside these, a very late Shag brood was found and it was great to see good numbers of large Kittiwake chicks on the cliffs!

Fulmar chick (the first ringed since 2008) © Ed Betteridge

A rather cute Storm Petrel chick (the first ringed since 2018) © Ed Betteridge

Some rather late Shags © Ed Betteridge

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