Friday 15 September 2023

A brisk southerlies produced a decent passage off the West side with122 Common Scoters, 10 Arctic Skuas, a Long-tailed Skua, a Great Skua, 16 Sandwich Terns, a Common Gull and 16 Razorbills. A Firecrest was in Cristin garden with a total of 28 Goldcrests. The Wryneck was again still around the south side of Cristin. A build up of Swallows around Cristin saw seven trapped and ringed alongside a rather unexpected Greenland Wheatear

Greenland Wheatear © Ed Betteridge

An Oystercatcher was caught in the Heligoland trap on Solfach © Ed Betteridge

During the evening a trip out dazzling produced two Greenland Wheatears, two Ringed Plovers and a Snipe with 92 Manx Shearwaters being ringed with the first Jack Snipe of the autumn being seen.

Greenland Wheatear © Ed Betteridge

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