Sunday 17 September 2023

After non-stop rain overnight there was little arrival despite the strong easterlies. However, the sea had different ideas and was quite busy off the South End with many birds going along the east coast into the wind. A total of 40 Arctic Skuas, three Long-tailed Skuas and three unidentified Skuas were seen from the South End with most heading east into the wind after Kittiwakes. The highlight however, was a Cory's Shearwater that flew west off the South End mid-morning. Other birds moving on the sea included two Bar-tailed Godwits, two Whimbrels, 117 Common Scoters, an adult Little Gull, five Common Gulls, 187 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, two Yellow-legged Gulls, two Sandwich Terns and 450 Razorbills. Mid-morning an Osprey went south out to sea along the West Coast with another early afternoon close pass the South End hide!

Osprey ©  Steve Stansfield

Away from the sea 12 Teals were in Solfach, a Skylark was on the South End, a Firecrest still at Nant, a Spotted Flycatcher still at Cristin and a total of 122 Swallows, 18 Wheatears, 21 Robins and three White Wagtails.

Grey Seal pup © Ed Betteridge

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