Friday 1 September 2023

`Clear warm skies dominated the day with few birds moving through. A Golden Plover went over the South End with four Sand Martins, 45 Swallows and four House Martins logged. A total of 73 Wagtails were seen around the Narrows and the West Coast with at least 50 being Whites! 

The portable Heligoland produced another 24 Meadow Pipits and a Rock Pipit with Solfach also holding 98 Turnstones, 11 Dunlins, a Common Sandpiper and a Sanderling. The bird of the day was a first year Yellow-legged Gull which joined a group of mixed Gulls along the West Coast during the afternoon. 

Yellow-legged Gull © Ed Betteridge

Yellow-legged Gull © Ed Betteridge

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