Tuesday 19 September 2023

Strong south-westerlies made for a rather dire day on Bardsey. The sea off the South End produced two Fulmars, 369 Manx Shearwaters, two Storm Petrels, 106 Gannets, a Common Scoter, a Great Skua, 18 Arctic Skuas 175 Razorbills and 331 Kittiwakes. It was very quiet away from the sea with Saturday's Garden Warbler being retrapped in the Heligoland trap and a Grey Wagtail of Solfach.  

After dark for the second night running a Common Sandpiper, Turnstone and Dunlin were caught at the same time however the highlight was an immature Grey Heron caught in the Wetlands!

Grey Heron © Ed Betteridge

Common Sandpiper © Ed Betteridge

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