Saturday 30 September 2023

The weather calmed overnight before the wind picked up again from the south-west and brought heavy rain showers. The male Black-and-white Warbler continued its residency in the Observatory garden. Ringing early morning before the rain and wind at Cristin was highlighted by a Song Thrush.

Song Thrush © Ed Betteridge

A good movement of hirundines off the North End and around Nant mid-morning during rain showers saw 1246 Swallows and 59 House Martins move east in an hour. They were joined by the first 11 Starlings of the autumn north. The sea was rather quiet with a Great Northern Diver south and two Common Scoters

Totals from elsewhere included a Great Spotted Woodpecker, three Chaffinches, a Skylark, a Grey Wagtail, 12 Goldcrests, four Blackcaps and five Chiffchaffs.

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