Friday 22 September 2023

The wind turned to north-westerly and brought a good Leach's Petrel passage off the West Coast with five south after a blank last year. Alongside these were 1436 Kittiwakes, three Little Gulls, 17 Arctic Terns, 94 Sandwich Terns, ten 'Commic' Terns, nine Guillemots, 832 Razorbills, two Great Skuas, 20 Arctic Skuas, 16 Common Scoters, 28 Manx Shearwaters and 170 Gannets

Arctic Skua © Ed Betteridge

Sandwich Terns © Ed Betteridge

Elsewhere, a large female Merlin hunted the West Coast, a Garden Warbler was at Nant, two Purple Sandpipers were at the North End, three Golden Plovers on the South End and totals of 26 Goldcrests, 12 Blackcaps and three Chiffchaffs

Garden Warbler © Ed Betteridge

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