Wednesday 13 September 2023

The winds returned to easterlies and brought another arrival during calm condition early morning. The Wryneck was still around and made it into one of the nets at Cristin; the first to be ringed since 2014! A mobile Great Spotted Woodpecker was new in and covered most of the Island. A Barn Owl was flushed out of the Withies with five Skylarks, 41 'Alba' Wagtails, five Grey Wagtails and a Siskin over. 

Wryneck © Ed Betteridge

A good arrival of Wheatears saw 117 logged with most being 'Greenland' type. A Firecrest was at along with a Redstart with a Spotted Flycatchers at Cristin. Nine Golden Plovers went over the South End with 11 White Wagtails on Solfach and a Common Scoter south. Other notable totals were 101 Swallows, 28 Robins, 43 Goldcrests, four Willow Warblers, nine Chiffchaffs and 157 Meadow Pipits.

Redstart © Ed Betteridge

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