Tuesday 28 May 2024

It was a wet and windy day with strong south-westerly winds and heavy rain first thing, and bands of thick fog  blowing across to smother Enlli for long periods. 

A Cuckoo was seen early in the morning in the Wetlands before spending the rest of the day around the plantation at Nant being mobbed by Meadow Pipits. Three Ringed Plovers were seen around the Narrows and Solfach, including colour-ringed bird '10T' which has not been seen since it was ringed on 13th May. Other waders included four Dunlins and six Turnstones on Solfach, and two Whimbrels in the North West Fields.

It was a much quieter day for hirundines than the day before, with only 16 Swallows and four House Martins recorded. Warbler totals came to four Whitethroats, three Blackcaps, six Chiffchaffs, three Willow Warblers. There were also 14 Spotted Flycatchers and two Lesser Redpolls seen. 

Other birds included a single Shelduck on Solfach and a Sparrowhawk over the Mountain. 

Spotted Flycatcher © Kate Fox

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