Sunday 21 July 2024

Enlli was bathed in warm sunshine with a moderate south-westerly wind. 

 Wader numbers totalled at four Whimbrels, 17 Curlews, seven Redshanks, four Common Sandpipers and 15 Turnstones. There were also two Grey Herons on the Narrows, including a juvenile from this year. 

There were also a few migrant passerines, with a total of eight Willow Warblers recorded, as well as a young Sedge Warbler around the Lighthouse, a Chiffchaff at Cristin and a Whitethroat at Nant. The day's highlight was a smart male Black Redstart was hanging around the abbey ruins at Nant, an unusual record for July.

Juvenile Sedge Warbler in the Lighthouse Compound © Kate Fox

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