Sunday 14 July 2024

Wader passage continues with a Dunlin on Solfach along with two Redshanks, two Common Sandpipers and two Turnstones. There were also four Curlews along the West Coast and an adult Black-headed Gull in Solfach. 

We also spotted 10 Risso's dolphins travelling along the west coast! The group was made up of six adults, one juvenile and three calves. As part of the Bardsey Marine Mammal Project, we are trying to collect as much data about the animals in our waters as possible. This includes doing timed scans and watching the sea for many, many hours. When we have a sighting, our remote pilot will send our drone (lovingly named Fenton) to the animals so we can collect videos and images for photo-identification and behavioural analysis. These images will add to a 20 year dataset of over 200 individual Risso's dolphins identified in the waters around Bardsey. We were really lucky to observe and collect imagery of a group with so many adorable babies!

Phoebe filming the dolphins with the drone © Kate Fox
Drone in action © Kate Fox

Two mothers with their calves viewed from the air! © Kate Fox

The pod from above © Kate Fox

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