Friday 9 August 2024

Strong south-westerly winds continue to dominate; a morning seawatch saw 51 Common Scoters, 17 Ringed Plovers, three Purple Sandpipers, seven Dunlin, two Curlews, two Turnstones, two Black-headed Gulls and five Sandwich Terns south. Four more Purple Sandpipers joined 48 Turnstones on the South End with a Common Sandpiper there and four on Solfach. An Arctic Tern went over the Narrows with two Whimbrels.

The day ended with a seawatch off the West Coast, the light was poor but good numbers of Shearwaters were moving south with the highlight being two Cory's Shearwaters south in a 3 hr seawatch which also included 3483 Manx Shearwaters.

Purple Sandpipers and Turnstones © Ed Betteridge

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