Monday 5 August 2024

With dense fog and strong wind foretasted, staff took advantage to head out into the early ours. A Common Sandpiper and an Oystercatcher was trapped on the Narrows before a very successful catch of large gulls roosting at the southern tip of Pen Cristin. In total 57 Herring Gulls, four Lesser Black-backed Gulls and four Great Black-backed Gulls were trapped of which seven Herring Gulls were retraps including at least four birds not ringed on Bardsey. 

3rd Calendar year Herring Gull © Ed Betteridge

3rd Calendar year Great Black-backed Gull showing its active moult © Ed Betteridge

Irish colour ringed adult Herring Gull © Ed Betteridge

Juvenile Herring Gull being measured © Ed Betteridge

4th Calendar year Herring Gull in active moult © Ed Betteridge

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