Thursday, 15 August 2013

It was a rather grim day with heavy rain setting in later in the afternoon. Very few birds were seen (as usual), the highlight of the day being a superb Blue Emperor drangonfly which found its way into the Heligoland trap!
On the bird front, 12 Willow Warblers were scattered around, and a Kestrel flew overhead.

This fantastic Blue Emperor was caught in the new Heligoland trap this morning, which is only the fourth record of this fantastic species of odonata for Bardsey. (C) Steve Stansfield
Probably Adelphoncoris lineolatus on Knapweed flower head
Male Drinker


  1. Hi Ben What a wonderful find. As I am trying to learn about dragonflies, can I ask you a question. You call this the Blue Emperor. Is it the same as the Emperor Dragonfly?

  2. Hi Margaret. The Blue Emperor is indeed the same as the Emperor Dragonfly

  3. Hi Ben. Hope to be on the island on Tuesdsy. Any good tips on how to bird the island?

  4. Hi Rich. There is not a great deal around at the moment in terms of migrants, although its worth checking on the day just in case! A walk up the mountain will probably produce either of the two pairs of young Peregrines, plenty of Choughs, as well as the common pipits, linnets etc. Otherwise, you might be lucky to see some Purple Sandpipers around the Narrows where you come in on the boat, as well as Whimbrels, Turnstones, Dunlins etc. Make sure you pop into the Observatory too, for any news on the day and perhaps some Manx Shearwater chick ringing. Ben
