Tuesday, 13 July 2021

There has been a constant northerly breeze throughout the day today and for most of the morning, there was a dense fog hanging over the island which only cleared at around 14:00. 

In the last couple of days, it has been possible to view Manx Shearwaters feeding in mixed flocks with different species of gulls (mainly Kittiwakes), this has been very interesting to see as feeding behaviour is not something that is easy to witness unless you are out at sea. They have all been exhibiting shallow diving, entering the water at a very slight angle and going just deep enough to submerge their body before rising to the surface. Other times they have dived beneath the surface from sitting on the water and stay fully submerged for several seconds before rising again. 

The star bird of the day has to go to a Tufted Duck which was flushed from wetlands and remained on the central pool for the duration of the afternoon. A good bird for the island, with just one record last year. The Ringed Plover chicks were seen again today after a blank day yesterday which was reassuring, they've evaded predation for nearly two weeks now!

Ringed Plover chick

Birds today: one Grey Heron, one Tufted Duck, four Ringed Plovers, two Dunlins, one Whimbrel, 48 Curlews, four Redshanks, one Turnstone, two Black-headed Gulls, one Swift and four Lesser Redpolls

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