Sunday, 15 August 2021

 This morning, nets were opened in the Withies and at the obs. However, weather conditions worsened quickly and so they were closed in less than an hour, giving a total of five birds being caught - two Willow Warblers and three Wrens. Later on, the portable heligoland trap was taken down to Solfach and erected; the trap will be used to catch Rock Pipits for our darvic ringing scheme. Two Rock Pipits were then caught, ringed and darvic ringed, before we headed back to the Obs due to worsening weather.

Rock Pipit

In non-ringing news, Stuart found a Greenshank on Henllwyn and there was a Redstart in the obs garden. A single Sandwich Tern was seen flying along the West Coast. The House Martins nesting at the obs continue to entertain, with the chicks looking ready to fledge any day now! At Plas, the nesting Swallows now have two small chicks. 

Birds today: two Fulmars, three Gannets, one Grey Heron, two Ringed Plovers, three Whimbrels, 62 Curlews, six Redshanks, one Greenshank, 37 Turnstones, one Sandwich Tern, 12 Collared Doves, one Redstart, one Sedge Warbler, one Whitethroat, one Blackcap, five Willow Warblers.

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