Friday 14 June 2024


It was a much brighter day on Enlli than the day before, and a slight drop in the wind to force five from the South West. 

Two Whimbrels and five Curlews were seen on the Narrows, as well as the breeding pair of Ringed Plovers. Four Sand Martins were also seen on the Narrows, still active around the burrows in Henllwyn. The Mistle Thrush was seen again at Traeth Ffynnon, a Goldfinch was flying around the Lowlands, a Lesser Redpoll was seen over Cristin. In the evening a Kestrel was hunting over Ty Pellaf. 

The afternoon was spent around Pen Cristin ringing accessible Guillemot chicks and Shag broods; this included catching another three adult Shags and 29 adult Guillemots!

Adult Shag © Ed Betteridge

Razorbill © Ed Betteridge

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