Thursday, 28 March 2013

Another very quiet day did, however, see a significant drop in the wind strength, and also slightly warmer temperatures (....of 4'C). There were still very few birds around: in the morning a Merlin was seen on the South End, two Jack Snipe were flushed from the wetlands (one of which was trapped) and a Water Rail was heard in the Ty Pellaf reed bed. Only six Chiffchaffs fed with around 20 Goldcrests in the Plantation, whilst a single Wheatear was present around the coast and two Song Thrushes (one continental bird) remained inland.

 The Jack Snipe crack team managed to trap yet another Jack Snipe in the Ty-Pellaf Wetlands. This is the third bird to be ringed this year, and none of the previous birds have yet been re-trapped. It is very likely that there are many birds hiding away in the vast rush fields on the island, although due to their secretive nature, only one or two are seen every few days.
 A pair of Buzzards continue to take a battering from mobs of gulls, carrion crows and ravens, as they seek to find a spot on the island where they are not pestered 

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