Wednesday, 27 March 2013

It was another pretty uneventful day on the island, with few new arrivals to liven things up on the bird-front. Two Greylag Geese flying over the Narrows were the highlight of the morning, being an addition to the year list. One can be fairly certain that it is a pretty dull day when two Greylag Geese are the highlight of the morning!
A Lapwing was seen along the shoreline of Henllwyn at high tide, and a Red-throated Diver was present off the West Side. The two Buzzards continued to be pestered by crows and gulls inland, whilst a Merlin flew over the North End.
Warbler numbers increased somewhat in the mid-morning sunshine, with a minimum of 12 Chiffchaffs and 22 Goldcrests seen in the Plantation. Seven Wheatears were present around the Narrows and West Side, whilst the Black Redstart remained in Solfach. A Greenfinch was seen in the gardens in the morning.

 This Lapwing gave some lovely views as it fed along the shoreline
 Two Greylag Geese circling the South End were additions to the year list
 A large percentage of the Goldcrests in the Plantation were males- told by the fiery red base to the rear end of the crown (lower image)
One Snipe was seen at the North End in the afternoon, giving about as good a view as you ever get of this species on Bardsey!

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