Thursday, 11 April 2013

A quieter day with stronger winds and some drizzle saw fewer migrants around the island. The Hooded Crow remained in the North-West Fields with a flock of Carrion Crows, and two Jack Snipe were flushed from either ends of the island. One of the Jack Snipe was trapped midday, and was found to be a re-trap of yesterday's bird- one of the first times a Jack Snipe has ever been re-trapped on Bardsey.
Five Swallows passed over the Narrows in the morning, whilst a White Wagtail and eight Wheatears were seen around the coast. Four Blackcaps, 15 Willow Warblers, 25 Chiffchaffs and 30 Goldcrests were seen in the island's gardens, whilst overhead passage included over 120 Meadow Pipits.

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The Jack Snipe which was ringed yesterday was re-trapped today, after it was drag-netted at the North End- these small foot-prints of the bird was a sure sign that it was somewhere nearby. (C) Mark Grove Carter
Two Goldfinches have been visiting the island's gardens

120 Meadow Pipits passed overhead during the day
 Early Thorns (top) and a Red Chestnut (bottom) were trapped in the Nant trap

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