Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Although it started off as a fairly quiet, cold day, by the end of the day a large number of migrants had arrived on the island in the calm conditions.
At least 65 Chiffchaffs, 30 Willow Warblers, 46 Goldcrests and six Blackcaps were seen during the day, many of which were moving up the mountainside between Cristin and Nant. The first five Swallows of the year passed over the mountain, along with four Sand Martins. A Black Redstart, two Fieldfares, eight Redwings and five Song Thrushes were seen in the island's gardens, and 123 Meadow Pipits were present in loose flocks.
A Hooded Crow remained in the North-West Fields in the morning, and a Jack Snipe was flushed from the North End, before later being caught.

 The fourth Jack Snipe was trapped at the North End of the island midday. The record for the most Jack Snipe ever ringed in a year on Bardsey is five, which is only one more bird away from this year's current total!
 Chiffchaffs (upper) and Willow Warblers (lower) began to arrive in good numbers today

And finally, SOME MOTHS!!! After what has seemed like months of cold, windy weather, two days of milder temperatures encouraged a few species to take to the wing. Last night's catch in the Nant Heath Trap amounted to: one Common Quaker, three Hebrew Characters, one Clouded Drab, a Mottled Grey, a Double-striped Pug and an Early Thorn
Hebrew Character (top), Common Quaker (middle) and Clouded Drab (lower)

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