Monday, 22 April 2013

Another disappointingly quiet day saw hardly anything of any note on the island, with stronger winds and mist settling over the island during the day. In the early hours, a movement of finches saw over 120 Goldfinches flying over the island in flocks, and 43 were trapped in Cristin garden; eight Lesser Redpolls and 33 Siskins were also seen amongst them.
Warbler numbers remained low, with only 38 Chiffchaffs, 21 Willow Warblers and nine Blackcaps seen, along with a single Grasshopper Warbler and two Sedge Warblers.

 Puffins are gradually returning to the East Side in small numbers, joining the hundreds of pairs of Razorbills (top) which are already in residence.
 Chiffchaffs continue to dominate in terms of the numbers seen compared to Willow Warblers
Movements of Goldfinches in the morning saw 43 birds trapped and ringed in Cristin garden. Fewer numbers of Siskins (bottom) were also recorded
It continues to be an atrocious year for moths- the annual total so far has probably just breached 30 individuals, compared to the same number being caught every day in previous years. Hebrew Characters are dominating in frequency