Two Merlins and a Kestrel were seen at the North End of the island in the morning, and eight Whimbrels were present around the Narrows.
A Black Redstart was seen in the afternoon, which is the first for sometime.
Over 100 Goldfinches were seen moving during the morning, along with four Siskins and a pale Lesser Redpoll. Phyllosc numbers were up slightly, with 45 Willow Warblers and 26 Chiffchaffs recorded, whilst two Grasshopper Warblers were heard and eight Blackcaps were also present. A total of 20 Swallows, four Sand Martins and a single House Martin were the only hirundines noted, whilst 23 Greenland-race Wheatears were noted around the coast.
Apologies for the lack of diversity in terms of pictures of different species in recent days, but there just aren't any around!
Greenland-race Wheatear

Finch passage was again noted this morning, and three Siskins and a Lesser Redpoll were trapped at Cristin (amongst other birds)
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