Saturday, 11 October 2014

After a week of particularly turbulent weather conditions, the calm south-easterly winds today made for an excitable change on the bird front. Visible migration stepped up a gear after a week or laxity, although the highlights of the morning came in the form of two non-passerines: the first Whooper Swan of the year flew south over The Narrows mid-morning, whilst a smart adult Roseate Tern flew east past the south end, and represents the 21st record for Bardsey.
As previously mentioned, 'vis mig' over the South End and Narrows in the early hours was particularly entertaining: 68 Skylarks, six Swallows, two House Martins, 266 Meadow Pipits, 14 Grey Wagtails, two White Wagtails, 59 alba Wagtails, 60 Jackdaws, three Rooks, 37 Carrion Crows, three Ravens, 35 Starlings, 63 Chaffinches, one Greenfinch, two Siskins, nine Goldfinches, 283 Linnets, a Lesser Redpoll and three Reed Buntings were the totals. The third Barred Warbler of the year was discovered in Ty Capel garden in the early afternoon, but proved quite elusive. The second Tree Sparrow of the year was seen briefly in Cristin garden mid-morning. The second Jack Snipe of the autumn was found in the Dynogoch Fields, before being trapped and ringed.

 Barred Warbler
Jack Snipe 

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