Sunday, 12 October 2014

There was an impressive movement of migrants East over the island in the morning, largely a product of the clear skies and calm south-east wind. Totals of many species reached their highest yet this year, with today's visible migration figures amounting to the following: one Red Kite, two Sparrowhawks, three Buzzards, a Kestrel, a Merlin, a Golden Plover, two Lapwings, 22 Snipes, 258 Skylarks, one Swallow, 290 Meadow Pipits, 14 Grey Wagtails, 75 alba Wagtails, 287 Jackdaws, 21 Rooks, 108 Carrion Crows, 17 Ravens, 193 Starlings, one House Sparrow, 401 Chaffinches, one Brambling, two Greeenfinches, seven Siskins, 313 Goldfinches, 571 Linnets, four Lesser Redpolls, one Yellowhammer and eight Reed Buntings.

A count of 77 Robins inland illustrated that a fair arrival of chats and thrushes had also taken place, with other counts of 15 Stonechats, four Wheatears, 20 Blackbirds and 21 Song Thrushes. The first winter Barred Warbler was seen around Ty Capel garden, and five Blackcaps, 18 Chiffchaffs, a Willow Warbler and 31 Goldcrests were also recorded.

It wasn't just birds on the move today however, with some excellent non-avian records too: Red Admirals continued their amazing passage over the island, as was seen back in the calm weather in September. Several hundred flew east over the island during the day, although this is a vast underestimate. Amongst them were two Clouded Yellows, three Large Whites and a Migrant Hawker.

Red Kite 
The first Dark Chestnut of the year was trapped at Nant, although generally moth numbers have decreased significantly due to the recent full moon (and inclement weather)

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