Willow Warbler |
Out to sea all that was of note was a single flock of 90 Common Scoters that flew south at 21:35. We had one count of 80 on July 7th, but if memory serves us correct this is the highest count of the year so far. Otherwise the Sea was quiet all day, even the Auks are now in very low numbers offshore, reflecting the nearly barren cliffs which most have left for the open ocean. Meanwhile, on the Narrows a limited selection of waders included six Curlews, four Common Sandpipers, three Redshanks and two Whimbrels.
It was only a few weeks ago that we had our first ever record of Early Bumblebee (Bombus praetorum), so for five individuals to be discovered at Ty Pellaf today was intriguing! Clearly they are more than just transients to Bardsey, though given Bumblebees have not been closely monitored in the past it's uncertain whether colonisation recent development or not. Otherwise a fairly moderate selection of insects was seen today; 55 Six-spot Burnets were on the wing and a Hummingbird Hawk-moth was at Ty Pellaf, while the first Agriphila straminellas of the year were on the wing. Several dipterids and hemipterids were collected from the North-west fields, but no attempts to identify them have been made yet, and we'll probably send most of them off to the county recorder for confirmation before we hear anything else.
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