Several factors combined to produce a modest day's sightings today. Being a changeover day, coverage was very limited, while strong winds, showers and thick mist for most of the day hampered the birding we did manage to do. Nontheless, a few noteworthy sightings were made, chief among which was a juvenile
Cuckoo in the Wetlands. Looking extremely young and thought to have fledged locally, this represents the fourth year in succession that this species has bred on the island. Females were seen being harassed by Meadow Pipits on two or three occasions in May and June, as they coursed low over the Wetlands and the Mountainside, so it was already suspected that breeding may have been attempted. To see it confirmed again is most gratifying, especially in light of this species troubles throughout the UK.
A small selection of waders on the Narrows featured 15
Curlews, seven
Redshanks, four
Common Sandpipers, two
Whimbrels and a single dapper-plumaged
Turnstone. Meanwhile, on land five sherbet-yellow
Willow Warblers were about, and
Starling numbers had decreased to nine. Nothing else noteworthy was seen today, we hope for some improvement tomorrow!
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