Sunday, 22 July 2018

Contrary to recent weather, the day started off cloudy, and remained overcast for most of the day. The conditions didn’t seem to deter migrants, and despite it being mid-July a good selection of species were recorded.

A Buzzard was seen flying over the Mountain early on. As has become customary recently, a check of the Narrows produced a small selection of waders including a Ringed Plover, a Whimbrel and two Redshanks. The was a small but noticeable passage noted overhead today which comprised of two Swifts, five Sand Martins, 73 Swallows and four House Martins.

Migrants inland today were also noted in good stead. The family group of Chiffchaffs at Nant numbered four an adult and three juveniles. A total of 15 Willow Warblers were also recorded, whilst the first Spotted Flycatcher was vigorously feeding in the Plantation. Finally, two Lesser Redpolls were heard over the north end of the island.

There was a nice scattering of migrants on the ground today, but the highlight still fell to this smart Plain Golden Y caught at Nant, just the fifth record for the island

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