Wednesday, 11 July 2018

Yet more stunning weather in the past few days has seen a small trickle of migrants pass through the island today. A small movement was noted out to sea which involved 12 Common Scoters, three Mediterranean Gulls and two Sandwich Terns. A Kestrel was also present today. A small flock of waders have begun to congregate around the Narrows, with two Whimbrels, 19 Curlews, two Redshanks, two Common Sandpipers and two Turnstones recorded, with a group of seven Lapwings also present elsewhere. Hirundines numbered 11 Swallows and six House Martins whilst migrant passerines involved nine Wheatear (largely resident presumably) and a Sedge Warbler.

The days speed by and we are already seeing the seabird season draw to a close, some of the last visits to the East Side are being made to record late auk numbers and ring some of the later birds.

A very late Shag nest, ready to fledge three young in a week or so.

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