Wednesday, 5 September 2018

It was another sunny day on the island today, despite the strong Northerly winds birding was relatively productive with a good diversity of migrants recorded. Early efforts in the morning showed the lion’s share of migrants were definitely passing over the land as opposed to out at sea. A slight sea passage of 24 Common Scoters, six Knots, three Mediterranean Gulls, 68 Kittiwakes and 7 Sandwich Terns was still recorded today.

There was an increase to seven Kestrels on the island today, amazingly the largest count for Bardsey since October 1998! Along the shoreline a fair selection of waders were recorded including two Dunlins, one Snipe, one Bar-tailed Godwit, two Whimbrels, 36 Curlews, four Redshanks and 24 Turnstones. Aside from catching the Great Spotted Woodpecker this morning, todays real highlight was the overhead passage, today a total of six Sand Martins, 847 Swallows, 206 House Martins, seven Tree Pipits, 377 Meadow Pipits, one ‘Flava’ Wagtail and 16 Grey Wagtails were logged as they made their way South back to their wintering grounds. White Wagtails numbered 14 birds, most of which were logged on Solfach. Again a good assortment of passerines were scattered across the island, presumably brought in by the gusting Northerly winds. Robins increased in number to 25 birds, whilst a Redstart was a pleasant surprise. Again three Whinchats were logged as well as warbler counts totalling two Reed Warblers, one Whitethroat, one Blackcap, seven Chiffchaffs, 26 Willow Warblers, five Goldcrests and one Firecrest. Also logged today were two Spotted Flycatchers.

The view from the Narrows looking towards the Mountain

A late blooming foxglove


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