Thursday, 6 September 2018

It was misty, overcast and drizzly this morning, and it wasn’t until after lunch that it showed signs of dissipating. Diversity wasn’t quite as varied as yesterday, but a good number of migrants had evidently been grounded by the morning’s less than favourable weather. The sea was barely visible today, but two Common Scoters, two Mediterranean Gulls and five Sandwich Terns were still recorded passing by. Kestrels dropped by a single bird to six today, whilst the Narrows was a little quieter. However, the first two Purple Sandpipers since early August were part of a roost consisting of three Whimbrels, 32 Curlews, 17 Redshanks and 42 Turnstones. Four Snipes were inhabiting the boggy areas of the island, a sign of cold weather to come presumably.

The hirundine passage was quite a spectacle today a total of 2525 Swallows and 98 House Martins were recorded, about 90% of which were recorded in a short period in the late morning. Also seen or heard overhead were a Tree Pipit, 52 Meadow Pipits, three Grey Wagtails and five White Wagtails. Two Whinchats were present at Ty Pellaf today, and warbler totals saw one Reed Warbler, six Whitethroats, three Garden Warblers, four Blackcaps, 22 Chiffchaffs, 27 Willow Warblers and 12 Goldcrests recorded, along with five Spotted Flycatchers which appeared at Nant once the sun had truly set in. A Siskin and 137 Linnets were the only other birds of note today.

A nice selection of common migrants a Whinchat, a Redstart and a Spotted Flycatcher

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