Monday, 8 July 2019

Catching up with our Choughs!

A still and hazy morning gave rise to clean sea watching conditions as we watched the Harbour Porpoise come up for air in the Irish Sea.
The afternoon became humid and warm and shortly after lunch we were graced with a visit from Adrienne a Chough expert from the mainland.

Today was an opportunity to collate further data on the 7 Chough Pairs around Bardsey. All the Choughs on Bardsey have been coloured ringed in order for identification in the field. It is a successful system with four rings on each bird and as many as 400 different combinations.

Choughs are monogamous and have partners for life so it becomes easier to track relationships between Chough Pairs. However one of the greatest challenges with gathering data on Choughs is the inaccessibility of the nest sites. At this time of the year the tail feathers on the adult Choughs are in moult so the adult birds can identified in flight as well as paler coloured and gaping beaks.

A Bardsey Chough

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