Monday, 1 July 2019

Windy but sunny, with a stiff westerly of about 24 mph. There was an arrival of Painted Ladies today with 114 counted on Bardsey, it felt like there were butterflies everywhere you looked! They were here with handfuls of Small Tortoiseshells and Meadow Browns.

There were a few more waders on the scene today, including: 18 Curlews, 2 Whimbrels, three Common Sandpipers, one Turnstone, one Golden Plover and the expected Oystercatchers, of course. There was another flock of predominantly juvenile Starlings today, although smaller than yesterday's with 12.

Once again the Storm Petrel net was opened at the bottom of Nant Valley and we had a good night with 21 birds caught, 13 in the first net! As well as these, the team can always work their way through the Manx Shearwaters while the Storm Petrels are flitting around.
Setting up the net, a loud speaker then plays the call of Storm Petrels to draw them inland
What it's all about, ringing these tiny seabirds

Manx Shearwater

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