Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Today was a beautiful, calm, sunny day. The 8mph South-Easterly breeze was barely noticeable and it was a very warm day on the island - today was the first time this year that we were all in T-shirts!

Nets were opened at the Observatory first thing as the still conditions are perfect for mist-netting. There didn't seem to be as many birds around as the previous day and this was mirrored in the ringing totals for the day. Some nice variety was had though and a second calendar year female Pied Wagtail caught in the garden was the first ringed this the year - they are not often caught other than in Autumn when they roost in the reedbeds in the Wetlands.
Pied Wagtail caught at the Observatory

Sunflower hearts in the Observatory garden are producing good numbers of Goldfinches and holding onto the tits, too. Today, eight Goldfinches were caught and ringed, making it 25 ringed since the start of the season, a respectable total. Two Great Tits were still present at the Obs too, these appear to be a pair, so it will be interesting to see if they attempt to breed somewhere. Willow Warblers were own low in numbers today, but 5 were ringed in a few hours at the Obs.
Willow Warbler
A female Blackcap sporting an impressive pollen horn - accumulations of pollen from feeding 
on plants in warmer climes.

Elsewhere, things were reasonably quiet. there had been an increase in Curlew numbers - four were recorded on the Narrows. There had also been an increase in Wheatears, 11 were recorded from around the island, the highest count so far this year. 

At the Obs, the warm weather had also produced the largest count of Slow Worms for the year. Five were recorded under a piece of corrugated iron in the back garden. These are Bardsey's only reptile species. 
spot the slow worm... five were recorded in the garden today.

Other sightings today included: one Peregrine, 71 Oystercatchers, nine Turnstones, one Swallow, four White Wagtails, five Blackcaps, five Chiffchaff, 12 Willow Warblers, six Choughs, four Jackdaws, 28 Goldfinches, two Redpolls.

Ringing totals today were: Blackcap 5, Chaffinch 1, Chiffchaff 2, Goldcrest 1, Goldfinch 8, Pied Wagtail 1, Willow Warbler 5, Wren 1. Total 24 birds of 8 species. 

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