Saturday, 5 June 2021

Today had variable weather, with dense cloud and drizzle for parts of the day, but with sunny spells throughout making it hard to decide when to go out.

Bob and Lis left us today after their two-week stay, they had a rather choppy boat journey back to the mainland. Emma and Martha had come on to the island as ringing volunteers on Wednesday and they left today, too, after ringing some nice seabirds.

Spring trapping was attempted on Wheatears on the Narrow during the morning, but it was unsuccessful after a female narrowly escaped the trap that was placed near the nest. The pair was very busy feeding chicks and were watched for a couple of hours.

There was not much migration to be had today and the weather meant that the East Side census could not be conducted. Stuart progressed with his Manx Shearwater productivity monitoring and sam did some Chough monitoring, the West Coast pair have fledged at least one chick which is fairly disappointing considering there were four when the nest was checked.

Fledged Chough chick, it will stay with its parents for several weeks after fledging

Willow Warblers continue to sing at Nant and Sedge Warblers in the Withies which is good to hear, and a Blackcap briefly burst into song in the obs garden at points throughout the day. The main movement of the day was with the waders, the Narrows produced two Sanderlings, one Ringed Plover, one Whimbrel, six Curlews and five Turnstones which is a good increase in variety compared to recent days. 

Ringed Plover on the Narrows

Birds today: one Grey Heron, two Sanderlings, one Ringed Plover, one Whimbrel, six Curlews, five Turnstones, four Collared Doves, four House Martins, five Sedge Warblers, one Blackcap, three Willow Warblers, one Jackdaw and one Lesser Redpoll.

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