Wednesday 26 April 2023

A calm start meant the nets were opened at Cristin and caught 12 Blackcaps, 17 Willow Warblers, a Chiffchaff, two Goldfinches and a Sedge Warbler. One of the Blackcaps however, was already ringed with a ring from Jersey! Unfortuanly, the wind strengthen and the sun came out so ringing was cut a bit short.

Jersey ringed Blackcap © Ed Betteridge

The highlight of the day was a Snow Bunting which flew north over the South End, and even though it looked to have landed on the Narrows it could not be refound. An increase in Whimbrel saw 39 logged with the majority feeding in fields along the West Coast. The clear skies brought a Kestrel, a Buzzard and two Grey Herons. A Common Sandpiper was in Henllwyn. 21 Sand Martins, four House Martins and 18 Swallows were an increase on recent days.

Whimbrel © Ed Betteridge

A short ringing session at Nant in the early evening produced a further six Willow Warblers, three Chiffchaffs, four Blackcaps, a Goldcrest and a Lesser Redpoll.

Willow Warbler © Sophie Dorman

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