Tuesday 25 April 2023

Calm winds and golden sunshine made for a nice day on the Island. Species abundance and diversity remained similar to yesterday, with three Purple Sandpipers, 10 Whimbrels, a Common Sandpiper, a Collared Dove, five Sand Martins, 16 Swallows, three White Wagtails, two Sedge Warblers, 70 Blackcaps, 26 Chiffchaffs, 41 Willow Warblers, three Goldcrests, two Rooks, two Siskins, 26 Goldfinches, 36 Linnets, and five Lesser Redpolls

The highlight of the day came in the form of a Holly Blue - the first record since 2021 and the 12th record for the Island.

Holly Blue © Ollie King

In the afternoon, a seabird and Chough breeding monitoring recce was carried out to see what stage different species are at in the breeding season. We also saw that the Raven young are ready to fledge, with three chicks successfully reared!

Young Raven ready to fledge! © Ollie King

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