Monday 24 April 2023

A wet start, turned into a rather nice end. Last night the Northern Lights were performing amazingly whilst we were out ringing Manx Shearwaters along the West Coast!

Northern Lights © Ed Betteridge

Warblers were still arriving in modest numbers with 31 Willow Warblers, 61 Blackcaps and five Chiffchaffs recorded mainly from Nant or Cristin. Around the Narrows 13 Purple Sandpiper and two Turnstones were logged. Three White Wagtails were on Solfach and three Sandwich Terns were off Henllywn or Solfach. An influx in Goldfinches and Linnets saw 52 and 60 recorded, respectively. 

Purple Sandpiper © Ed Betteridge

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