Sunday 23 April 2023

Light north-westerlies didn't provide much turnover but some nice migrants decided to hang around a little while on the Island, the highlights of which were a male Redstart, a male Pied Flycatcher, a Grasshopper Warbler, a Sedge Warbler, two Canada Geese, 121 Blackcaps, 25 Chiffchaffs, and 92 Willow Warblers.

Pied Flycatcher © Ollie King

Other migrants included a Merlin, 21 Purple Sandpipers, a Snipe, nine Whimbrels, a Common Sandpiper, a Sand Martin, 24 Swallows, six House Martins, six White Wagtails, two Rooks, two Siskins, eight Goldfinches, 34 Linnets, and a Lesser Redpoll

Sea sandwiched by gorse and blue sky © Ollie King

Ringed Plover nest © Ed Betteridge

Northern Lights - Aurora Borealis

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